History Group

Our meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month at Central Methodist Church, Hucknall, 2.00pm to 4.00pm
At our October meetings, we had as our speaker Michael Cooke, showing us slides of his visits to Europe. Not just any old holiday snaps, but ones that showed his passion for Roman Ruins. There were views of forts and the remains of villas in England, but most of the sites we visited were in France. There were villas and public loos with rows of seats. Huge amphitheatres looked almost as good as new and some are still used for open-air performances. Whilst he was showing the photographs, Michael also gave us an entertaining history lesson on French-Anglo history – things we had all forgotten after we left school.
Michael seems to have an interest in photographing almost anything he comes across on his travels. One item of interest was a plaque on a wall showing the site of the first shots to be fired in World War 1. We also learned about War Graves Cemeteries and saw photographs of the Menin Gate and other memorials.
When we meet on Wednesday 21st November, we will be talking about Christmases in the past. It will be a “Show and Tell’ afternoon, so please bring with you items that mean something to you or to your family Christmas traditions that you think other members would like to hear about. We have also been asked to do a short “Show and Tell” session at the main meeting on 12th December so this could be a practice run for anyone with really interesting items.
There will be no History Group Meeting in December. However, we already have plans for meetings and outings in 2013.
We look forward to welcoming you to our meetings and would like to hear your suggestions for topics for the future.
Please keep an eye on this space and the website, in case we have to make alterations to the programme.
Maureen and Jane

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