National Trust Visits

Visits for August and September, 2022
Our August visit is to Nunnington Hall, in North Yorkshire, on Thursday 11th. The cost of the coach is £15. Please note that we will be leaving Hucknall Market Place at 9.00 am on this occasion and returning from the venue at 4.00 pm. As usual we will be taking bookings a calendar month before the visit ie on July 11th.

For September, we are visiting Hardwick Hall, on Tuesday 13th. This visit will leave Hucknall Market Place at 10.00 am with it being a relatively short journey. Returning from Hardwick at 4.00pm. The coach fare will be £10. Bookings will be taken from August 13th.

The final visit for October will be on Monday 10th but will be to a venue still to be decided since the original venue has several areas with uneven surfaces and is not totally suitable for all the group.


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