Weekenders November Programme

Thank you once again to Margaret White for hosting a Social Evening for the Weekenders on Saturday, 3rd October when we played Whist and Canasta, Margaret played her saxophone and Sandra played the piano and of course we had a little quiz! Very funny result with both teams scoring the same and both teams had the same Tie Breaker answer, so we called it quits!
We had a lovely Bus Pass Day Out to Belper on Saturday, 10th October, with the weather doing us proud and all the buses arriving and departing immediately after we got off or got on! (Apart, of course, from the Connect bus on our return to Hucknall!). We spent time in De Bradelei Mills, then in the main shopping area, followed by beautiful fish and chips at George’s. Then on Sunday, 25th October we visited Bardill’s Garden Centre, travelling via the new tram route to Toton. It was thought this was one of the best garden centres we had visited and the carvery meal was superb! Of course, having put back the clocks the night before, this cut down the daylight hours at the end of the visit!
Our next Coffee Club session will be on Saturday, 7th November from 2-4 pm. On 21st November it will be our bi-monthly visit to Arunothai for Saturday lunch. Please let me know if you wish to join us. Our visit to Chatsworth Farm Shop and Bakewell on 27th November is now full. I am taking names for the Weekenders Christmas Lunch at The Countryman on Saturday, 12th December, together with a £5 deposit please.
All events organised by either the Lunch Group or the Weekenders Group are open to all U3A members, regardless of whether they are regulars or not. Obviously space is sometimes limited so it’s first come, first served.
For any information about the Lunch Group, the Weekenders Group, or the Reading Group, please contact Sandra Green on the form below or tel. 0115 8408132.

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