Weekenders' Autumn Programme

We were a bit short of members at the Weekenders’ Programme Planning get-together in September but we came up with a varied programme of events between now and December. This has been circulated via email to all Weekenders and I should be grateful if you could let me know which events you are interested in.
A group of us went for Sunday Lunch on 14th September to “George’s” at The Thorn Tree, Woodlinkin, which was much enjoyed. We had a “Bus Pass Day” out to Newark on 21st September; it was a good day weather-wise and Newark Market certainly puts Hucknall’s market to shame.
A new enterprise is the Weekenders’ Coffee Club which will be on the first Saturday of each month at the Co-ordinator’s house. This will be a casual coffee and chat – “plus”. The Plus will be a one-off demonstration or theme. The first one will be on Saturday 4th October when there will be a Reflexology demonstration. The second will be on Saturday, 1st November which will include a “Make a Christmas Card” session. The third will be on Saturday, 7th December which will include a Book & Recipe Swap. Places are limited so make sure your name is down.
There are three places left for Lottie’s Secret Tearooms on Thursday, 16th October at 2 pm which will cost £12.50. Lottie will be opening especially for us so please make sure your name is down; this is open to any U3A member.
This will be swiftly followed on Saturday, 18th by lunch at our favourite local restaurant, Arunothai. Names now being taken and this also is open to anyone who wishes to join us.
Hopefully we shall be having a Social Evening hosted by Doreen Newton on 25th October but this is yet to be confirmed.
For any information about the Lunch Group, the Weekenders Group or the Reading Group, please contact Sandra Green on 0115 8408132 or on the form below.

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