
We had a Saturday Lunch at Arunothai on 31st May and all nine of us agreed it was a wonderful meal and very good company. So much so that there were calls to make it a monthly event but we will perhaps make this every other month and so a date has been suggested for Saturday, 2nd August (as July is quite busy) and if anyone would like to join us, just let me know.
Our June Social Evening was on 14th June at Doreen Newton’s home and had a Red, White & Blue theme in honour of the Queen’s Official Birthday that day. The individual photo quiz, with all answers being Red, White or Blue, was won by Jo Turner and the team quiz was won by Kay Burton, Janet Trueman, Pam Farrell and Doreen Newton. Pam Farrell also won the Red, White & Blue prize with an outfit inspired by Ginger Spice! And Doreen Newton’s crown won her a prize too! Once again a lively discussion took place, mainly around holidays and Doreen was thanked for her hospitality.
Thirty six of us took a trip to Boundary Mills & Downtown at Grantham on Friday, 20th June. Isn’t shopping exhausting, especially when it’s warm weather! But we are not complaining. It only took us just over 45 minutes to get there so we had plenty of time to look round Downtown, Boundary Mills and the Garden Centre, as well as have lunch. Of course there was the inevitable quiz on the bus with a “shopping” theme and this was won by Cath Richardson and Peggy Cooke.
In July we are supporting Jean Green’s PBS Fundraising Quiz at The Bowman on 12th July. We also hope to have a Social Evening or Afternoon on Saturday, 19th July but so far have no host or venue! Any volunteers? We are also planning to have lunch and a trip to Denby Pottery on Sunday, 27th July and are taking names and need volunteer drivers for this event.
For any information about the Weekenders Group please contact Sandra Green on the form below or telephone 0115 8408132.

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