Lunch Club Plans

Forty-three of us descended on the Arunothai Restaurant just off Farleys Lane, Hucknall on the 22nd January and we enjoyed a lovely two-course Thai meal for a very reasonable £7.95 (of course some people had a dessert as well!).  The Money Quiz was won by Kay Twells and Roger Draper.  The staff were very attentive and helpful and the food was freshly cooked.  We can certainly recommend this venue and you don’t even need to get a bus!
We are going to Adams Brasserie in the Lace Market, Nottingham in February for a three course meal at £11.95.  Then in March we are going to the Crème Restaurant in Stapleford and the menu should be available hopefully in February on the Hucknall U3A website.  These venues are now full.
Our April lunch falls on St. George’s Day (23rd) and so we are going down to the Market Square to see the St. George’s Day Parade and then for lunch at a later time of 1.15 pm at Yates’ Wine Lodge, which I know will bring back many boozy teenage memories for a lot of us!
To make it fair for everyone, please put your names on the Lunch Group lists at the actual U3A meeting rather than ringing up or emailing beforehand.  However it is more than acceptable to send me your menu choices either by phone or email.   Plus, to enable better accounting, when a deposit is asked for could I have a cheque made payable to Hucknall & District U3A rather than cash please.  Many thanks.

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