Short Walks Report

Twenty walkers from the Short Walks Group set off on a four and half mile walk in sunshine from IKEA before soon becoming the proverbial ‘drowned rats’ in the persistent rain and drizzle that soon set in. Undaunted, the group completed the walk which seemed to have more up than down and would have given lovely views across Ilkeston and Watnall if only we could have seen them, took in some historical sites: Bog End School; the well on Trough Lane; and the overgrown Rolleston family graves, along well known and not so well known paths.
A drink and a meal at The Horse Groom at Moorgreen gave us a chance to dry off. And then , the sun came out!
The next walk for this group will be on October 17th along the river Maun and local woodland. Starting from the Whitegates Hotel Forest Town.

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